■ Sensor
Select Menu > Settings > Phone > Sensor settings > Sensor > On to activate the
The tap function allows you to quickly mute and reject calls and alarm tones. You
can see the time and indicators for missed calls, and new messages on the
secondary display.
Always double-tap the secondary display with the fold
Show indicators and time
To display the time, double-tap the secondary, hidden
display. An analogue or digital clock appears, depending
on the selected clock settings. See “Set the time, zone,
and date,” p. 15.
If you have the music player or FM radio open, you must turn them off first. If you
have missed calls or received new messages, you must view them before you see
the time.
Move your phone away from bright light (for example, direct sunlight) to view
indicators and time on the hidden outer display.
Mute and reject
To mute an incoming call or alarm tone, double-tap the secondary display. To
reject the call or snooze the alarm tone, double-tap the display again. Sound is
restored for the next incoming call or alarm tone.